Friday, January 25, 2013

Don't tell me I'm cute (yet)

So this guy emails me to tell me that I'm cute and he wants to chat.

For research purposes, I check out his profile - 2 blurry pictures, and one-sentence answers to everything.


I block him. I feel kind of bad for him. I want to write to him what I'm going to write here:

Don't tell me I'm cute. This suggests you are surfing pics and writing that to every single woman you think is cute - and there are probably plenty. It suggests that you don't really care about getting to know me. I may be wrong, but I'm guessing that you are just lonely and want to get laid and don't understand why, since you aren't a total asshole, this isn't happening for you at the rate you would like (if this is true, go read the Nice Guy rant on Heartless Bitches). It's a little harsh - it even makes me cringe - but there's a lot to chew on.
For every 3 or 4 emails I get like yours, I get one that goes something like "Hi, I saw that you're into Terry Pratchett. I've been hooked on him since I read "Hogfather" - how about you?"

When I get that email I know he read what I had to say about myself. He found it at least somewhat interesting. He's doing some of the heavy lifting by coming up with something to talk about and asking me questions about myself. I know he thinks I'm cute. If he did not, he would not be messaging me.

I want to meet someone I can have an interesting conversation with. Getting to an interesting conversation from "You're cute," seems like a lot of heavy lifting. And that gets boring FAST.

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